Leaving 2021/Entering 2022

Oof, it’s been awhile! But Hello friends, it’s time for a recap of last year, and some of the things I’m planning for reading in 2022. Between working full time the last two months and all the things it takes to keep a house with 4 kids running, writing has not been a huge priority recently. I’d love to say that going forward will be different, but I don’t think it will… So I’m planning to at least jump in every month with what I’ve been reading and maybe some recommendations. I’ve got the basic idea for a format for this too, which should make the writing easier and help me actually do it. But for now… here’s a look back at 2021!

Here’s a photo of all the books I planned to read in 2021… The dark streaks crossing out series/authors I actually completed all that I wanted to. It was a great reading year, but my goals were big. And I read 30 other books that aren’t on this list, trying to keep up with a reading challenge that didn’t fit really well with my stated goals.

I did love pretty much every book I read this year, including the Murderbot, Wayward Children, Liveship Traders, Tawny Man, Shades of Magic, and Aurora Cycle series which I read all of. And most of the other authors I wanted to try out I got in at least one book and they were SO good! I have a lot of new authors and books that I really love, and it is fantastic!

As you can see, I have a few more books that I just didn’t get to. Apparently I can’t keep up even with reading 60 books per year. But, having large goals just gives me room to grow, right? So in that vein, here are my book plans for 2022. Some from ’21 carried right on over. Some that didn’t might still get squeezed in as time permits. But this year I’m focusing more on this list and doing my best to stick with it. Honestly, I thought about putting everything from my TBR shelves on individually and just going from there, but it was just too much. So here’s where we’re going to start from and if I can get most of these done I’ll continue on. I hope to get more audiobooks in, I just need some better headphones that I can leave in awhile during work times. Plus, I have this 40 minute commute every day now that’s got a lot more potential than I’ve been using.

Honestly, what I’m most looking forward to is the Brian McClellan Powder Mage books. I’ve been wanting to read them for years and just haven’t gotten around to it yet. But I’ve got 2 series of his (signed!!) on my shelf waiting to be read and they are Calling to me. Also calling are the loose ends from last year. They are mostly shorter books that I hope to get done fairly soon, if I can get the chance.

Well, that’s about it for my recap. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break and are ready for a (fingers crossed) fantastic new year. Heading out with a note on the pic that’s on the top of this post: it’s all my new books that came out in 2021. Such a fun collection, I really love all of these. Especially the board book, Isaac Stewart’s Monsters Don’t Wear Underpants (available at dragonsteelbooks(dot)com).


Sunreach & ReDawn Review